The view from my window

The view from my window
The view from my window

Sunday 12 April 2015

Some days are diamonds

And today was one of them.  What a beautiful day.  In fact, what a great week-end all in all.  I try to get as much done during the week and on Saturday so that I can have Sunday to do whatever I want.  Well, the car boot season is starting up again here in France and what a perfect start.  In fact, in France they call them "vide grenier", which means "attic emptiers" so there aren't necessarily many cars around but the same principle obviously.

A friend and I went out to a place called Thyez, about 20 minutes from here.  Neither of us are early birds so we left here at noon and as we were both hungry when we got there we decided to have a hot dog.  The bad news was the hot dog machine wasn't working, the good news was that the restaurant about 20 metres away was open!  The car boot was being held in an area with a couple of lakes and a camp site so it had all the facilities, including this restaurant.  I mean, look at this for a view while you are having lunch!!!

What's more lunch was delicious, although I suppose going to car boot sales to save money probably doesn't include having lunch in the restaurant.  Still, it was definitely worth it.

There were quite a few people there but not as many as I thought there would be given the wonderful weather.  Plenty of stalls too.

And this is my haul!!!!
After that we drove back towards home about 5 minutes up the road to a place called Bonneville where they were having a "nature day".  Again not too many people (so much the better for us) but lovely and I bought myself a couple of lettuce plants and beetroot plants, which are now happily sitting outside in my little plastic greenhouses. 


All in all, a perfect day.

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